Selasa, 13 Desember 2016

Opinion : How successful has the Pancasila principle been in securing a degree of pluralism in Indonesia?

This is indeed an interesting question.
For background, Pancasila was formulated by Soekarno, and considered as the foundation of Indonesia, another words, if you want to change Pancasila, this means that you want to revolt against Indonesia.

A big No - No.
Little background about Pancasila :

Sukarno formulated his ideological thinking developed for the past twenty years into five principles. On 1 June 1945, he introduced these five principles, known as Pancasila, during the joint session of BPUPKI held in the former Volksraad Building (now called Gedung Pancasila).

Pancasila as presented by Sukarno during the BPUPKI speech, consisted of five common principles which Sukarno saw as commonly shared by all Indonesians:

1. Nationalism, whereby a united Indonesian state would stretch from Sabang to Merauke, encompassing all former Dutch East Indies

2. Internationalism, meaning Indonesia is to appreciate human rights and contribute to world peace, and should not fall into chauvinistic fascism such as displayed by Naziswith their belief in the racial superiority of Aryans

3. Democracy, which Sukarno believed has always been in the blood of Indonesians through the practice of consensus-seeking (musyawarah untuk mufakat), an Indonesian-style democracy different from Western-style liberalism

4. Social justice, a form of populist socialism in economics with Marxist-style opposition to free capitalism. Social justice also intended to provide equal share of the economy to all Indonesians, as opposed to the complete economic domination by the Dutch and Chinese during the colonial period

5. Belief in God, whereby all religions are treated equally and have religious freedom. Sukarno saw Indonesians as spiritual and religious people, but in essence tolerant towards differing religious beliefs.

On 22 June, the Islamic and nationalist elements of BPUPKI created a small committee of nine, which formulated Sukarno's ideas into the five-point Pancasila, in a document known as the Jakarta Charter:

1. Belief in one and only Almighty God with obligation for Muslims to adhere to Islamic law
2. Civilised and just humanity
3. Unity of Indonesia
4. Democracy through inner wisdom and representative consensus-building
5. Social justice for all Indonesians

Even thought Pancasila can be widely interpreted  (Sukarno and Suharto shows different interpretation of  Pancasila ) and sometimes vague, Pancasila is held dear by Indonesian.
Pancasila unite and at the same time divide Indonesian.

I guess Pancasila plays 2 part in securing a degree of Pluralism :

1. Protect religious diversity while at the same time attack atheism and communism
For example, 

regarding religious activities, I see Indonesian quite successful in nurturing religious diversity, the minor religion still have room to breath and doing their religious activities.
This is partly because the first point of Pancasila, Belief in one and only Almighty God.
However, for atheist who lives in Indonesia, it will be hard to get their rights in Indonesia, also because the first point of Pancasila, which indicates that every person in Indonesia should believe in God.

Indonesia Communist Massacre in 1960s is the prove of how bad Pancasila can be. At that time communist seen as not believing in God, and want to change Pancasila as the foundation of Indonesia, the revolt failed, and the results, around 300,000 to 3 million people, who considered as communists were massacred, killed.

Take a look at The Act of Killing (2012) by Joshua Oppenheimer for this.

2. Protect Indonesian as Unitary States

As good as it is sounds, it is also as bad as it is sounds.
Indonesia succeed as Unitary States, a big achievement when you consider our nation size and diversity, imagine what should someone do to unite more than 6,000 inhabited islands.
Few province in Indonesia, who are not as favored as Java, such as Aceh, Timor - Timur, Papua has try to separate themselves from Indonesia. Pancasila justify our military act against them, condemn them as an act of revolt and treachery.

I believe there are many sad story of military oppression happens, but this same military act also what make Indonesia still a Unitary States.

I guess we succeed in implementing the first and the third sila.
1. Belief in one and only Almighty God with obligation for Muslims to adhere to Islamic law
2. Civilised and just humanity
3. Unity of Indonesia
4. Democracy through inner wisdom and representative consensus-building
5. Social justice for all Indonesians

For the second, fourth and fifth Sila, we still had a lot of works to do.
An interesting point is the fourth Sila, which become the foundation of Indonesian Politics system. Interestingly, Indonesia has try so many system, from parliamentary to presidential system.
Another important point, Inner Wisdom, also indicates it is not pure democracy, if democracy means the one with the most votes (majority) wins, inner wisdom can be interpreted as looking for the "middle way" sometimes Indonesian will argue for hours and hours or days or weeks, to solve a problem, this results in Indonesian culture who discuss a lot but do a little, often called as NATO (No Actions Talks Only).

An excerpt of Indonesian Politic System :

1945 - 1949 : Sukarno & Hatta chosen as President, due to the turmoil, I have no idea about the legislative in this era.

1949 - 1950 : United States of Indonesia (Indonesia as Federal Country) with parliamentary system

1950 - 1955 : Republic of Indonesia (Unitary Country) with parliamentary system and Prime Minister, however Sukarno as the President still holds a lot of power at this moment

1956-1959 : Guided Democracy, (Claiming Western-style democracy was unsuitable for Indonesia, he called for a system of "guided democracy." ). Still parliamentary, however in this time Sukarno have all the power

1959-1966 : Back to 1945 constitution (Presidential system) which means Sukarno's power-up. (On March 1960, Sukarno disbanded parliament and replaced it with a new parliament where half the members were appointed by the president (Dewan Perwakilan Rakjat – Gotong Rojong / DPR-GR). On September 1960, he established a Provisional People's Consultative Assembly (Madjelis Permusjawaratan Rakjat Sementara/MPRS) as the highest legislative authority according to the 1945 constitution. MPRS members consisted of members of DPR-GR and members of "functional groups" appointed by the president) So Sukarno held power as executive and legislative at the same time, he also appointed as President for life.

1966-1998 : Pancasila Democracy, people chose one of three parties (Golkar - the government ; PPP - the islamist ; PDI - the nationalist & opposition) the party will chose their representatives in legislative (MPR) and then MPR will chose the president a.k.a Suharto

1998-2004 : Now we see many political parties in Indonesia, the president was chosen by the parliament (Abdurrahman Wahid). Also we see change of power in Indonesia region. If during the new order, the regional head was chosen by the central government, now the regional head was chosen through direct elections. This gives birth to Indonesia's best children such as : Basuki Tjahaja Purnama ; Tri_Rismaharini . But also at the same time gives power to the most corrupt people such as Ratu Atut Chosiyah

2004 - 2014 : President chosen through direct election, this results in Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono chosen as the President

2014 - now : recent changes resulting in the regional head will be chosen by DPRD (Regional Parliementary) instead directly chosen by the people
For second and fifth Sila :
Civilised and just humanity
Social justice for all Indonesians
We still had a long way to go.

Written by : Ivan Gautama
Edited by : Ricky Nathaniel
Source :

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